首页 > 中山大学附属肿瘤医院 > 内科 骆卉妍




出生日期:1977年10月 工作单位:中山大学肿瘤防治中心内科 通信地址:广州市东风东路651号 510060 E-mail: luohy@sysucc.org.cn 联系电话:020-87342490 教育背景: 1995.09~2000.07 广西医科大学临床医学系医学学士 2004.09~2007.06中山大学附属肿瘤医院肿瘤学硕士 2007.07~2010.07 中山大学附属肿瘤医院肿瘤学专科培训医师 2012.09~2015.6中山大学肿瘤学和生物医学工程联合培养博士 2015.6~至今美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校访问学者 工作经历: 2000.08~2004.08.作为住院医师在桂林医学院附属医院呼吸内科工作 2004.09~2007.06中山大学附属肿瘤医院攻读临床型肿瘤学硕士研究生 2007.07~2010.07 中山大学附属肿瘤医院接受肿瘤学专科医师培训 2010.-8至今作为主治医师在中山大学附属肿瘤医院内科工作 研究方向: 主要从事消化道肿瘤的化学治疗和靶向治疗,以及肿瘤耐药和克服耐药的基础和转化性研究。作为徐瑞华教授课题组主要研究人员参与国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金项目、广州市科技计划项目等多项科研课题,参与和完成多项I、II、III期临床研究。在国内外期刊发表文章50余篇,并以第一作者在Clin Cancer Res,J Cancer Res, Clin Oncol等杂志上发表SCI论文7篇。此外,还以第一作者发表综述6篇,其中两篇被2007年、2014年CSCO大会收录。 承担科研项目: 1)项目名称:“新型聚氨酯纳米材料载体克服奥沙利铂耐药的研究”,项目编号:(A2014251),广东省医学科研基金项目,时间是2014年-2016年。项目负责人。 2)项目名称:“Bmal1基因对结肠癌细胞生长的作用及机制研究”,项目编号:(81000888),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,时间是2011年-2014年。第三负责人。 3)项目名称:“microRNA-214在结肠癌肝转移中的作用及机制研究”,项目编号:(81372570),国家自然科学基金面上项目,时间是2014年-2017年。第四负责人。 4) 项目名称:“活性氧/NFkB 信号通路在脑胶质瘤干细胞分化中的作用及其调控机制”,项目编号:(81302194),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,时间是2014年-2016年。第五负责人,负责数据的分析。 主要发表论文: 1. Zeng ZL, Luo HY(co-first author), Yang J, Wu WJ, Chen DL, Huang P, Xu RH*. Overexpression of the circadian clock gene Bmal1 increases sensitivity to oxaliplatin in colorectal cancer.Clin Cancer Res. Feb 15;20(4):1042-52, 2014. (SCI 8.77) 2. Luo HY, Xu RH.Predictive and prognostic biomarkers with therapeutic targets in advanced colorectal cancer.World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Apr 14;20(14):3858-74.(SCI 2.65) 3. Zhang Y, Luo HY(co-first author), Liu GL, Wang DS, Wang ZQ, Zeng ZL, Xu RH*. Prognostic significance and therapeutic implications of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor overexpression in human pancreatic carcinoma.Int J Oncol. 2014 Oct 17. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2709. (SCI 3.025) 4. Luo HY, Wang ZQ, Wang FH, Qiu MZ, Teng KY, Ruan DY, He YJ, Li YH, Xu RH*. Phase II study of capecitabine and irinotecan combination chemotherapy (modified XELIRI regimen) in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Am J Clin Oncol. Dec;34(6):555-60, 2011. (SCI 3.06) 5. Luo HY, Wei W, Shi YX, Chen XQ, Li YH, Wang F, Qiu MZ, Li FH, Yan SL, Zeng MS, Huang P, Xu RH*. Cetuximab enhances the effect of oxaliplatin on hypoxic gastric cancer cell lines. Oncol Rep. Jun;23(6):1735-45. 2010. (SCI 2.30) 6. Luo HY,Xu RH*, Wang F, Qiu MZ, Li YH, Li FH, Zhou ZW, Chen XQ. Phase II trial of XELOX as first-line treatment for patients with unresectable or metastatic gastric cancer. Chemotherapy. 56(2):94-100. 2010 (SCI 1.28) 7. Li YH, Luo HY(co-first author),Wang FH, Wang ZQ, Qiu MZ, Shi YX, Xiang XJ, Chen XQ, He YJ, Xu RH*. Phase II study of capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (XELOX) as first-line treatment and followed by maintenance of capecitabine in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol.Apr;136(4):503-10. 2010 (SCI 3.09) 8. Chen DL, Wang ZQ, Zeng ZL, Wu WJ, Zhang DS, Luo HY, Wang F, Qiu MZ, Wang DS, Ren C, Wang FH, Chiao LJ, Pelicano H, Huang P, Li YH, Xu RH. Identification of microRNA-214 as a negative regulator of colorectal cancer liver metastasis by way of regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 expression.Hepatology. 2014 Aug;60(2):598-609. (SCI 11.19) 9. Chen DL, Wang DS, Wu WJ, Zeng ZL, Luo HY, Qiu MZ, Ren C, Zhang DS, Wang ZQ, Wang FH, Li YH, Kang TB, Xu RH. Overexpression of paxillin induced by miR-137 suppression promotes tumor progression and metastasis in colorectal cancer.Carcinogenesis. 2013 Apr;34(4):803-11. (SCI 5.26) 10. An X, Wang F, Shao Q, Wang FH, Wang ZQ, Wang ZQ, Chen C, Li C, Luo HY, Zhang DS, Xu RH, Li YH. MET amplification is not rare and predicts unfavorable clinical outcomes in patients with recurrent/metastatic gastric cancer after chemotherapy.Cancer. 2014 Mar 1;120(5):675-82. Epub 2013 Nov 5. 11. Chen WW, Wang F, Zhang DS, Luo HY, Wang ZQ, Wang FH, Qiu MZ, Ren C, Wei XL, Wu WJ, Li YH, Xu RH. Primary small cell carcinoma of the esophagus: clinicopathological study of 44 cases.BMC Cancer. 2014 Mar 25;14:222. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-222 12. Wang DS, Luo HY, Qiu MZ, Wang ZQ, Zhang DS, Wang FH, Li YH, Xu RH*. Comparison of the prognostic values of various inflammation based factors in patients with pancreatic cancer.Med Oncol. Dec;29(5):3092-100.2012 (SCI 2.14) 13. Dai SQ, An X, Wang F, Shao Q, Chen YC, Kong YN, Chen C, Li C, Luo HY, Liang Y, Wang FH, Xu RH, Li YH*. Serum HER 2 extracellular domain level is correlated with tissue HER 2 status in metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma.PLoS One. May 14;8(5):e63458.2013 (SCI 3.73) 14. Qiu MZ, Wang ZQ, Zhang DS, Liu Q, Luo HY, Zhou ZW, Li YH, Jiang WQ, Xu RH *. Comparison of 6th and 7th AJCC TNM staging classification for carcinoma of the stomach in China.Ann Surg Oncol. Jul;18(7):1869-76. 2011 (SCI 4.18) 15. Ren C, Qiu MZ, Wang DS, Luo HY, Zhang DS, Wang ZQ, Wang FH, Li YH, Zhou ZW, Xu RH*. Prognostic effects of 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in gastric cancer. J Transl Med. Jan 27;10:16, 2012 . (SCI 3.45) 16. Chen DL, Wang ZQ, Ren C, Zeng ZL, Wang DS, Luo HY, Wang F, Qiu MZ, Bai L, Zhang DS, Wang FH, Li YH, Xu RH*. Abnormal expression of paxillin correlates with tumor progression and poor survival in patients with gastric cancer.J Transl Med. Nov 2;11:277. 2013 (SCI 3.45) 17. He MM, Zhang DS, Wang F, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, Jin Y, Wei XL, Xu RH*. The role of non-curative surgery in incurable, asymptomatic advanced gastric cancer.PLoS One. Dec 16;8(12):e83921. 2013 (SCI 3.73) 18. He MM, Zhang DS, Wang F, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, Ren C, Jin Y, Chen DL, Xu RH*. Adjuvant chemotherapy, p53, carcinoembryonic antigen expression and prognosis after D2 gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma.World J Gastroenterol. Jan 7;20(1):264-73.2014 (SCI 2.55) 19. Li ZH, Qiu MZ, Zeng ZL, Luo HY, Wu WJ, Wang F, Wang ZQ, Zhang DS, Li YH, Xu RH*. Copper-transporting P-type adenosine triphosphatase (ATP7A) is associated with platinum-resistance in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). J Transl Med. 2012 Feb 3;10(1):21. 20. Wang DS, Ren C, Qiu MZ, Luo HY, Wang ZQ, Zhang DS, Wang FH, Li YH, Xu RH*. Comparison of the prognostic value of various preoperative inflammation-based factors in patients with stage III gastric cancer.Tumour Biol. 2011 Dec 24 21. Qiu HB, Chen G, Keshari RP, Luo HY, Fang W, Qiu MZ, Zhou ZW, Xu RH*. The extramural metastasis might be categorized in lymph node staging for colorectal cancer. BMC Cancer. 2011 Sep 26;11(1):414. 22. Wang DS, Zhang DS, Qiu MZ, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, Wang FH, Li YH, Xu RH*. Prognostic factors and survival in patients with neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas. Tumour Biol. 2011 Aug;32(4):697-705. 23. Wang DS, Chen DL, Ren C, Wang ZQ, Qiu MZ, Luo HY, Zhang DS, Wang FH, Li YH, Xu RH*. ABO blood group, hepatitis B viral infection, and risk of pancreatic cancer. Int J Cancer. 2011 Aug 19. doi: 10.1002/ijc.26376. 24. Qiu MZ, Wang ZQ, Zhang DS, Liu Q, Luo HY, Zhou ZW, Li YH, Jiang WQ, Xu RH*. Prognostic analysis in node-negative gastric cancer patients in China. Tumour Biol. 2011 Jul;18(7):1869-76. Epub 2011 Jan 19. 25. Qiu MZ, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, Zhang DS, Zhou ZW, Li YH, Jiang WQ, Xu RH*. Clinicopathological characteristics and prognostic analysis of gastric cancer in the young adult in China. Tumour Biol. 2011 Jun;32(3):509-14. 26. Qiu HB, Zhang LY, Zeng ZL, Wang ZQ, Luo HY, Keshari RP, Zhou ZW, Xu RH*. HBV infection decreases risk of liver metastasis in patients with colorectal cancer: A cohort study. World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Feb 14;17(6):804-8. 27. Teng KY, Qiu MZ, Li ZH, Luo HY, Zeng ZL, Luo RZ, Zhang HZ, Wang ZQ, Li YH, Xu RH*. DNA polymeraseeta protein expression predicts treatment response and survival of metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma patients treated with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy. J Transl Med. 2010 Nov 27;8(1):126 28. Li FH, Shen L, Li ZH, Luo HY, Qiu MZ, Zhang HZ, Li YH, Xu RH*. Impact of KRAS mutation and PTEN expression cetuximab-treated colorectal cancer. W J of Gastroenterology 2010 Dec 14:16(46):5881-5888. 29. Qiu MZ, Xu RH*, Ruan DY, Li ZH, Luo HY, Teng KY, Wang ZQ, Li YH, Jiang WQ. Ruan DY et al. Incidence of anemia, leukocytosis, and thrombocytosis in patients with solid tumors in China. Tumour Biol.2010 Dec;31(6):633-41. 30. Qiu MZ, Yuan ZY, Luo HY, Ruan DY, Wang ZQ, Wang FH, Li YH, Xu RH*. Impact of pretreatment hematologic profile on survival of colorectal cancer patients. Tumour Biol. 2010 Aug;31(4):255-60





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