首页 > 北京大学第一医院 > 病理科 李挺




教育经历 1982年12月毕业于华西医科大学医学系,学士学位;1988年7月同校病理系硕士研究生毕业,硕士学位;1988-1991年日本国立冈山大学医学部癌研生化系研修;1998-1999年日本国立大阪大学医学部分子病理系客座研究员;2006年美国德州M.D. Anderson癌症中心血液病理学系高级访问研究员;2009年日本大阪大学病理学系客座教授。 Professor Li obtained her Bachelor degree in 1982, and Master degree of pathology in 1988 in West China University of Medical Sciences; in 1988-1991 she had her post graduated biochemistry training in Department of Biochemistry of Cancer Research, Okayama University, Japan; in 1998-1999, she studied in Department of Pathology, Osaka University, Japan as visiting researcher; in 2006, as senior visiting researcher, she visited Department of Hematopathology of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, USA; in 2009, as visiting professor, she visited Department of Pathology of Osaka University, Japan. 专业介绍 系统诊断病理学,熟悉各系统疾病病理学诊断; 专长于淋巴造血系统疾病病理学诊断,包括淋巴瘤病理诊断和骨髓活检病理诊断; 乳腺疾病病理学诊断,特别是乳腺上皮增生性病变和癌前病变的病理诊断和鉴别诊断;乳腺癌病理诊断和评估。 Professor Li had been engaged in systemic diagnostic pathology for years. She has especially been focused on the subspecialties of pathology of lymphohematologic and breast disease. 研究成果 主要研究领域为淋巴瘤发病的分子机制。承担过包括国家自然科学基金(4项),卫生部(1项),国家教委(2项),美国德州Research Scholar Award of Methodist Hospital(1项)及院校级(3项)等多级科研课题研究10余项,发表论著70余篇,其中SCI收录10余篇。参编专著、译著6本。获中华医学科技二等奖、北京市科技二等奖。 学术兼职:中国医师协会病理医师分会常委,总干事;北京市医学会病理学专业委员会委员;北京大学住院医师规范化培训专家委员会病理学组长;诊断病理学杂志编委,中华肿瘤防治杂志编委,中华医学杂志,中华临床医师杂志(电子版),中华病理学杂志特邀审稿人。 Professor Li’s major research is focused on the molecular mechanism in pathogenesis of lymphomas. Her research has been supported by foundations from Chinese National Natural Science Foundation; National Health Ministry; National Education Ministry; Research Scholar Award of Methodist Hospital, University of Texas, USA; and so on. Over 70 papers of hers have been published on national and international core publications. She was rewarded the second prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology, and the second prize of Beijing Medical Science and Technology Award. She is the current General Secretary of Chinese Pathologist Association, the member of Pathology specialist committee, Beijing Medical Association; She chairs the pathology group, in the committee of Fellowship Training Program of PU School of Medicine, and is the editorial board members of several main Chinese pathology journals.





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