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职 称:主任医师 职 务:科主任 院 区:东院 科 室:麻醉科 医疗专长:1. 吸入麻醉药肝毒性机理及防治研究 2. 围术期肝保护的综合策略 3. 肝移植麻醉与围术期处理 4. 肝切除病人麻醉(大出血、凝血、液体治疗、术后镇痛等) 5. 黄疸麻醉的基础临床研究 教育经历 1980-1985 第二军医大学军医本科 1985-1989 长海医院麻醉科住院医师 1989-1992 第二军医大学麻醉学硕士(导师王景阳教授) 1992-1994 第二军医大学外科学博士(导师吴孟超院士) 1994-1997 东方肝胆外科医院麻醉科副主任,主治医师讲师 1997-2002 东方肝胆外科医院麻醉科主任,副主任医师副教授,硕导 2002- 东方肝胆外科医院麻醉科主任,主任医师 学术职务 1. 世界麻醉医师协会联盟疼痛学会委员(中国在该联盟中5位委员之一) 2. 中国医师协会麻醉学医师分会会长 3. 中华医学会麻醉学分会常委兼秘书长 4. 上海市医学会麻醉专科委员会主任委员 5. 全军麻醉与复苏专业委员会常委 6. 国内四本主要的麻醉学杂志的编委、常务编委或副总编等 7. 国家自然基金二审专家(神经精神组) 论文著作 SCI 1. Yang LQ, Li SJ, Cao YF, Man XB, Yu WF, Wang HY, Wu MC. Different alterations of cytochrome P450 3A4 isoform and its gene expression in livers of patients with chronic liver diseases. World J Gastroenterol. 2003 Feb;9(2):359-63. (IF: 2.547). (Citation: 24, Self-citation: 1) 2. Yang LQ, Yu WF, Cao YF, Gong B, Chang Q, Yang GS. Potential inhibition of cytochrome P450 3A4 by propofol in human primary hepatocytes. World J Gastroenterol. 2003 Sep;9(9):1959-62. (IF: 2.547). (Citation: 11, Self-citation: 0) 3. Li Q, Yu WF, Zhou MT, Lu X, Yang LQ, Zhu M, Song JG, Lu JH. Isoflurane preserves energy balance in isolated hepatocytes during in vitro anoxia/reoxygenation. World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jul 7;11(25):3920-4. (IF: 2.547). (Citation: 4, Self-citation: 0) 4. Yu WF, Yang LQ, Zhou MT, Liu ZQ, Li Q. Ca2+ cytochemical changes of hepatotoxicity caused by halothane and sevoflurane in enzyme-induced hypoxic rats. World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Aug 28;11(32):5025-8. (IF: 2.547). (Citation: 7, Self-citation: 0) 5. Song JG, Cao YF, Yang LQ, Yu WF, Li Q, Song JC, Fu XY, Fu Q. Awakening concentration of desflurane is decreased in patients with obstructive jaundice. Anesthesiology. 2005 Mar;102(3):562-5. (IF: 5.486). (Citation: 7, Self-citation: 3) 6. Song JC, Sun YM, Zhang MZ, Yang LQ, Song JG, Wang ZM, Yu WF. Propofol pharmacokinetics in patients with obstructive jaundice. Curr Drug Deliv. 2009 Jul;6(3):317-20. (IF: 2.288). (Citation: 3, Self-citation: 1) 7. Song JC, Zhang MZ, Lu ZJ, Yang LQ, Song JG, Sun YM, Yu WF. The effects of obstructive jaundice on the pharmacodynamics of propofol: does the sensitivity of intravenous anesthetics change among icteric patients? Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2009 Nov;53(10):1329-35. (IF: 2.196). (Citation: 5, Self-citation: 2) 8. Song JG, Cao YF, Sun YM, Ge YH, Xu XW, Yang LQ, Liu ZQ, Song SL, Yu WF. Baroreflex sensitivity is impaired in patients with obstructive jaundice. Anesthesiology. 2009 Sep;111(3):561-5. (IF: 5.486). (Citation: 4, Self-citation: 2) 9. Xu XW, Pei SJ, Miao XR, Yu WF. Human signal peptide had advantage over mouse in secretory expression. Histochem Cell Biol. 2009 Aug;132(2):239-46. (IF: 2.613). (Citation: 2, Self-citation: 1) 10. Li Z, Shi J, Liao Z, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Yu WF. Scientific publications in anesthesiology journals from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong: a 10-year survey of the literature. Anesth Analg. 2010 Mar 1;110(3):918-21. (IF: 3.3). (Citation: 6, Self-citation: 2) 11. Song JC, Sun YM, Yang LQ, Zhang MZ, Lu ZJ, Yu WF. A comparison of liver function after hepatectomy with inflow occlusion between sevoflurane and propofol anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 2010 Oct;111(4):1036-41. (IF: 3.3). (Citation: 7, Self-citation: 2) 12. Yang LQ, Song JC, Irwin MG, Song JG, Sun YM, Yu WF. A clinical prospective comparison of anesthetics sensitivity and hemodynamic effect among patients with or without obstructive jaundice. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010 Aug;54(7):871-7. (IF: 2.196). (Citation: 3, Self-citation:1) 13. Miao XR, Gao XF, Wu JX, Lu ZJ, Huang ZX, Li XQ, He C, Yu WF. Bilateral downregulation of Nav1.8 in dorsal root ganglia of rats with bone cancer pain induced by inoculation with Walker 256 breast tumor cells. BMC Cancer. 2010 May 20;10:216. (IF: 3.333). (Citation: 12, Self-citation: 1) 14. Wu FX, Bian JJ, Miao XR, Huang SD, Xu XW, Gong DJ, Sun YM, Lu ZJ, Yu WF. Intrathecal siRNA against Toll-like receptor 4 reduces nociception in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Int J Med Sci. 2010 Aug 2;7(5):251-9. (IF: 2.065). (Citation: 18, Self-citation: 3) 15. Yang LQ, Tao KM, Cheung CW, Liu YT, Tao Y, Wu FX, Yu WF. The effect of isoflurane or propofol anaesthesia on liver injury after partial hepatectomy in cirrhotic patients. Anaesthesia. 2010 Nov 65(11):1094-1100. (IF: 3.008). (Citation: 1, Self-citation: 0) 16. Li Z, Liao Z, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Sun YM, Yu WF. Scientific publications in critical care medicine journals from Chinese authors: a 10-year survey of the literature. J Trauma. 2010 Oct;69(4):E20-3. (IF: 2.348). (Citation: 7, Self-citation: 1) 17. Tao KM, Yang LQ, Liu YT, Tao Y, Song JC, Wu FX, Yu WF. Volatile anesthetics might be more beneficial than propofol for postoperative liver function in cirrhotic patients receiving hepatectomy. Med Hypotheses. 2010 Dec;75(6):555-7. (IF: 1.054). (Citation: 2, Self-citation: 0) 18. Lu ZJ, Miao XR, Wu JX, Wang XY, Miao Q, Yu WF. Acute PAR2 activation reduces alpha, beta-MeATP sensitive currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuroreport. 2010 Feb 17;21(3):227-32. (IF: 1.404). (Citation: 4, Self-citation: 1) 19. Yang T, Zhang J, Lu JH, Yang LQ, Yang GS, Wu MC, Yu WF. A new staging system for resectable hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison with six existing staging systems in a large Chinese cohort. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2011 May;137(5):739-50. (IF: 2.914). (Citation: 13, Self-citation: 7) 20. Li Z, Qiu LX, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Sun YM, Yu WF. Scientific publications in anesthesiology journals from East Asia: a 10-year survey of the literature. J Anesth. 2011 Apr;25(2):257-62. (IF: 0.867). (Citation: 3, Self-citation: 3) 21. Song JC, Sun YM, Zhang MZ, Yang LQ, Tao TZ, Yu WF. The etomidate requirement is decreased in patients with obstructive jaundice. Anesth Analg. 2011 Nov;113(5):1028-32. (IF: 3.3). (Citation: 1, Self-citation: 1) 22. Li Z, Qiu LX, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Sun S, Yu WF. Scientific publications in international anaesthesiology journals: a 10-year survey. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2011 Mar;39(2):268-73. (IF: 1.396). (Citation: 3, Self-citation: 1) 23. Yang LQ, Tao KM, Liu YT, Cheung CW, Irwin MG, Wong GT, Lv H, Song JG, Wu FX, Yu WF. Remifentanil preconditioning reduces hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats via inducible nitric oxide synthase expression. Anesthesiology. 2011 May;114(5):1036-47. (IF: 5.486). (Citation: 16, Self-citation: 0) 24. Lv X, Yang L, Tao K, Liu Y, Yang T, Chen G, Yu W, Lv H, Wu F. Isoflurane preconditioning at clinically relevant doses induce protective effects of heme oxygenase-1 on hepatic ischemia reperfusion in rats. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011 Mar 31;11:31. (IF: 2.11). (Citation: 8, Self-citation: 0) 25. Ren HM, Yang LQ, Liu ZQ, Chen CY, Cheung CW, Tao KM, Song JG, Chen WR, Yu WF. In vivo and ex vivo effects of propofol on myocardial performance in rats with obstructive jaundice. BMC Gastroenterol. 2011 Dec 28;11:144. (IF: 2.11). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 26. He Y, Wu FX, Miao XR, Xu XW, Sun YM, Chen CY, Yu WF. Suppression of acute morphine withdrawal syndrome by adenovirus-mediated β-endorphin in rats. Brain Res. 2011 Nov 8;1422:13-9. (IF: 2.879). (Citation: 1, Self-citation: 0) 27. Huang Z, Tao K, Zhu H, Miao X, Wang Z, Yu W, Lu Z. Acute PAR2 activation reduces GABAergic inhibition in the spinal dorsal horn. Brain Res. 2011 Nov 24;1425:20-6. (IF: 2.879). (Citation: 1, Self-citation: 0) 28. Wang Z, Sun Y, Wang Z, Wang Q, Yu W. Anesthetic management of injuries following the 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg (2011) 37:9–12. (IF: 0.263). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 29. Lv X, Wang ZM, Huang SD, Song SH, Wu FX, Yu WF. Emulsified isoflurane preconditioning reduces lung injury induced by hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Int J Med Sci. 2011;8(5):353-61. (IF: 2.065). (Citation: 6, Self-citation: 1) 30. Wang Z, Bao Y, Lu Z, Yu W. Is neuromuscular relaxation of rocuronium prolonged in patients with obstructive jaundice? Med Hypotheses. 2011 Jan;76(1):100-1. (IF: 1.054). (Citation: 1, Self-citation: 1) 31. Tao KM, Li XQ, Zhou QH, Moher D, Ling CQ, Yu WF. From QUOROM to PRISMA: a survey of high-impact medical journals' instructions to authors and a review of systematic reviews in anesthesia literature. PLoS One. 2011;6(11):e27611. (IF: 3.73). (Citation: 2, Self-citation: 0) 32. Yang T, Zhang J, Lu JH, Yang GS, Wu MC, Yu WF. Risk factors influencing postoperative outcomes of major hepatic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma for patients with underlying liver diseases. World J Surg. 2011 Sep;35(9):2073-82. (IF: 2.228). (Citation: 15, Self-citation: 0) 33. Wu JX, Xu MY, Miao XR, Lu ZJ, Yuan XM, Li XQ, Yu WF. Functional up-regulation of P2X3 receptors in dorsal root ganglion in a rat model of bone cancer pain. Eur J Pain. 2012 Nov;16(10):1378-88. (IF: 3.067). (Citation: 7, Self-citation: 0) 34. Wu F, Xu X, Miao X, Chen J, Sun Y, Yu W. Effect of recombinant adenovirus coding for endomorphin-2 on neuropathic pain in rats. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2012;5(9):914-23. (IF: 2.242). (Citation: 1, Self-citation: 0) 35. Wu F, Miao X, Chen J, Sun Y, Liu Z, Tao Y, Yu W. Down-regulation of GAP-43 by inhibition of caspases-3 in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2012;5(9):948-55. (IF: 2.242). (Citation: 2, Self-citation: 0) 36. Li Z, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Sun YM, Lu ZJ, Yu WF. Citation classics in main pain research journals. J Anesth. 2012 Feb;26(1):85-93. (IF: 0.867). (Citation: 5, Self-citation: 0) 37. Wu F, Liu Y, Lv X, Miao X, Sun Y, Yu W. Small interference RNA targeting TLR4 gene effectively attenuates pulmonary inflammation in a rat model. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2012;2012:406435. (IF: 2.88). (Citation: 3, Self-citation: 0) 38. Li Z, Qiu LX, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Sun YM, Lu ZJ, Yu WF. Assessing the national productivity in subspecialty critical care medicine journals: a bibliometric analysis. J Crit Care. 2012 Dec;27(6):747.e1-5. (IF: 2.489). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 39. Song JC, Zhang MZ, Wu QC, Lu ZJ, Sun YM, Yang LQ, Yu WF. Sevoflurane has no adverse effects on renal function in cirrhotic patients: a comparison with propofol. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2013 Aug;57(7):896-902. (IF: 2.196). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 40. Wu F, Miao X, Chen J, Liu Z, Tao Y, Yu W, Sun Y. Inhibition of GAP-43 by propentofylline in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2013 Jul 15;6(8):1516-22. (IF: 2.242). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 41. Wang Z, Lv H, Song S, Shen X, Yang L, Yu W. Emulsified isoflurane preconditioning protects isolated rat Kupffer cells against hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced injury. Int J Med Sci. 2013;10(3):286-91. (IF: 2.065). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 42. Lu YG, Wei W, Wang L, Tao KM, Sun YM, You ZD, Yu WF. Ultrasound-guided cerebrospinal fluid collection from rats. J Neurosci Methods. 2013 May 15;215(2):218-23. (IF: 2.114). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 43. Wang ZM, Zhang P, Lin MJ, Tan B, Qiu HB, Yu WF. Influence of obstructive jaundice on pharmacodynamics of rocuronium. PLoS One. 2013 Oct 16;8(10):e78052. (IF: 3.73). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 44. Li Z, Sun YM, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Lu ZJ, Yu WF. Equal contributions and credit: an emerging trend in the characterization of authorship in major anaesthesia journals during a 10-yr period. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 5;8(8):e71430. (IF: 3.73). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 45. Chen Q, Chen P, Zhou S, Yan X, Zhang J, Sun X, Yuan H, Yu W. Hydrogen-rich saline attenuated neuropathic pain by reducing oxidative stress. Can J Neurol Sci. 2013 Nov;40(6):857-63. (IF: 1.332). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 46. Ge Y, Wu F, Sun X, Xiang Z, Yang L, Huang S, Lu Z, Sun Y, Yu WF. Intrathecal Infusion of Hydrogen-Rich Normal Saline Attenuates Neuropathic Pain via Inhibition of Activation of Spinal Astrocytes and Microglia in Rats. PLoS One. 2014 May 23;9(5):e97436. PLoS One. 2014 May 23;9(5):e97436. (IF: 3.73). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 47. Li Z, Sun YM, Wu FX, Yang LQ, Lu ZJ, Yu WF. Controlled low central venous pressure reduces blood loss and transfusion requirements in hepatectomy. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Jan 7;20(1):303-9. (IF: 2.547). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 48. Tao KM, Tao Y, Chen CY, Yang LQ, Lu ZJ, Sun YM, Huang SD, Yu WF. Proteinase-activated Receptor 1 Contributed to Up-regulation of Enkephalin in Keratinocytes of Patients with Obstructive Jaundice. Anesthesiology. 2014 Mar 7. (IF: 6.186). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 49. Huang ZX, Lu ZJ, Ma WQ, Wu FX, Zhang YQ, Yu WF, Zhao ZQ. Involvement of RVM-expressed P2X7 receptor in bone cancer pain: mechanism of descending facilitation. Pain. 2014 Apr;155(4):783-91. (IF: 5.844). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 50. Zhang C, Wang Z, Zhang J, Qiu H, Sun Y, Yang L, Wu F, Zheng J, Yu W. Competitive inhibition of the nondepolarizing muscle relaxant rocuronium on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in the rat superior cervical Ganglia. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2014 May;63(5):428-33. (IF: 2.383). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 51. Liu Y, Yang L, Tao K, Vizcaychipi MP, Lloyd DM, Sun X, Irwin MG, Ma D, Yu W. Protective effects of hydrogen enriched saline on liver ischemia reperfusion injury by reducing oxidative stress and HMGB1 release. BMC Gastroenterol. 2014 Jan 12;14:12. (IF: 2.11). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 52. Kun-Ming Tao, Xiao-Qian Li, Li-Qun Yang, Wei-Feng Yu, Zhi-Jie Lu, Yu-Ming Sun, Fei-Xiang Wu. Glutamine supplementation for critically ill adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Published Online: 12 SEP 2012. (IF: 5.703). (Citation: 0, Self-citation: 0) 主编著作: 1. 曹云飞,俞卫锋,王士雷主编.全麻原理及研究新进展.人民军医出版社2005年 (67万字) 2. 杭燕南,俞卫锋,王祥瑞主编。吸入麻醉药 世界图书出版公司2008年3月(53万字) 3. 俞卫锋主编 麻醉与复苏新论 第二军医大学出版社 2001年6月(120万字) 4. 李保春 俞卫锋 袁伟杰主编 人民军医出版社 2004年2月(83万字) 5. 陆智杰 俞卫锋主编 人民军医出版社 2013年2月(55万字) 课题研究 1、卤代类吸入麻醉药的肝毒性研究,国家自然科学基金(39170713),1991-1994 2、吸入麻醉药肝毒性与肝线粒体功能及膜分子机制的研究,国家自然科学基金(39400126),1994-1997 3、阻塞性黄疸导致吸入全麻药敏感性增高的突触传递机制研究,国家自然科学基金(81072625),2011-2013 4、活性氧作用于α肾上腺受体致阻塞性黄疸血管低反应性,国家自然科学基金(81170427),2012-2015 5、miR-150调控内皮祖细胞修复血管内皮介导阻黄血管低反应,国家自然科学基金(81370513),2014-2017 6、肝移植中异丙酚药代动力学研究,军队医药基金项目(98Q50),1998-2001 7、上海市临床医学中心,上海市专项基金(ZX01B05),2001-2002 8、肝脏手术围术期肝功能保护策略研究,上海市科委生物医药重点项目(10411952000),2011-2013 9、阻塞性黄疸导致吸入全麻药敏感性增高的突触传递机制研究,上海市教育委员会科研创新项目/重点项目,2011-2013 10、阻塞性黄疸导致吸入全麻药敏感性增高的突触传递机制研究,上海市科委优秀学科带头人计划(11XD1406800),2012-2015 创新专利 1.俞卫锋,徐学武.一种获得内吗啡肽的方法及其在疼痛治疗中的应用(200510118974.0) 2.俞卫锋,徐学武.可基因整合的重组腺相关病毒载体的构建方法.(200510118975.5) 3.俞卫锋,吴飞翔 一种用于戒毒的生物新方法 (香港国际发明博览会金奖) 4. 俞卫锋,吴飞翔 一种人鼠同源性NMDA受体NR2B的小RNA及其应用(907676) 获得荣誉 1. 吸入麻醉药的研究 2004年国家科技进步二等奖 (第二) 2. 吸入麻醉药肝毒性机制的研究 2002 年军队科技进步二等奖 (第一) 3. 肝胆疾患围术期血液内环境紊乱机制 2006年军队科技进步三等奖(第二) 4. 2007年军队院校育才奖 银奖 5. 2006年上海市卫生系统“银蛇奖” 银奖 6. 2005年上海市优秀医学青年人才计划 (固定带教老师) 7. 2006年上海市科技启明星 (指导老师) 8. 2008年上海市科技启明星 (指导老师) 9. 2011年上海市优秀学科带头人 10. 2011年军队二类津贴 11. 2011 年上海市优秀博士论文 (导师 俞卫锋 ) 12. 2013年上海市科技精英提名奖


1. 吸入麻醉药肝毒性机理及防治研究 2. 围术期肝保护的综合策略 3. 肝移植麻醉与围术期处理 4. 肝切除病人麻醉(大出血、凝血、液体治疗、术后镇痛等) 5. 黄疸麻醉的基础临床研究 



南阳市口腔医院 · 手术室麻醉科

擅长:1. 吸入麻醉药肝毒性机理及防治研究 2. 围术期肝保护的综合策略 3. 肝移植麻醉与围术期处理 4. 肝切除病人麻醉(大出血、凝血、液体治疗、术后镇痛等) 5. 黄疸麻醉的基础临床研究 


江苏省肿瘤医院 · 麻醉科

擅长:1. 吸入麻醉药肝毒性机理及防治研究 2. 围术期肝保护的综合策略 3. 肝移植麻醉与围术期处理 4. 肝切除病人麻醉(大出血、凝血、液体治疗、术后镇痛等) 5. 黄疸麻醉的基础临床研究 


江苏省肿瘤医院 · 麻醉科

擅长:1. 吸入麻醉药肝毒性机理及防治研究 2. 围术期肝保护的综合策略 3. 肝移植麻醉与围术期处理 4. 肝切除病人麻醉(大出血、凝血、液体治疗、术后镇痛等) 5. 黄疸麻醉的基础临床研究