执业经历: 外科副主任医师 擅长领域:从事外科临床、教学工作三十多年,具有丰富的外科理论知识及临床操作技能。对乳腺良恶性疾病诊断、治疗及美容整形经验丰富。对泌尿外科各类疾病,男、女性功能障碍,男性不育,诊断治疗有丰富的临床经验。 门诊时间:周一、四上午、周三下午 Surgical assistant chief physician Expertise:He has been worked for clinic and education for more than 30 years, backlogs abundant theories knowledge with clinical experience. Particularly, he has a lot of clinical experience in diagnoses and treatment of breast tumors, plastic and aesthetic surgery and kinds of urological diseases, including sexual dysfunction, male infertility and others. Consulting hours: morning on Monday and Thursday, afternoon on Wednesday 详细介绍