首页 > 上海中山医院 > 胸外科 沈亚星




执业经历: 沈亚星,男,1983年2月1日生,外科学在读博士(在职),中共党员 复旦大学第三十八届学生委员。美国胸外科协会(American Association for Thoracic Surgery,AATS)Graham fellow, 美国胸外科医师协会(Society of Thoracic Surgeons, STS)国际会员、欧洲胸外科医师协会(European Society of Thoracic Surgeons, ESTS)会员、AME journal club committee member。 担任《胸部疾病杂志》(Journal of Thoracic Disease,SCI收录)Section Editor、《可视手术杂志》(Journal of Visualized Surgery) Associate Editor。2008年毕业于复旦大学上海医学院临床医学(七年制)专业,同年留校担任复旦大学附属中山医院胸外科住院医师。2011年3月起任复旦大学附属中山医院胸外科主治医师,现从事胸外科临床诊疗及学术设计、规划,并负责复旦大学附属中山医院食管癌多学科治疗团队日常工作。参加胸外科工作以来,以第一作者完成发表Annals of Thoracic Surgery, ATS、Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, JTCVS等胸外科著名SCI期刊论文9篇。2012、2013、2014年先后获邀参加国际学术交流5次,其中受邀出席世界顶尖胸外科学术会议美国胸科医师协会(American College of Chest Physicians, ACCP)、美国胸外科协会(AATS)、欧洲胸外科医师协会(ESTS)、美国胸外科医师协会(STS)大会发言各1次。主持国家青年自然科学基金1项(批准号:81400681),参与国家自然科学基金(2014年)、上海市科委(2012年)及上海市卫生局研究(2012年)项目各1项。   相关学术成果   论文   1. Shen Y, Feng M, Tan L, Wang H, Li J, Xi Y, Tan L, Wang Q. Thoracoscopic esophagectomy in prone versus decubitus position: Ergonomic evaluation from a randomized and controlled study. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014, 9: 1072-1078.   2. Shen Y, Wang H, Feng M, Tan L, Wang Q. The effect of narrowed gastric conduits on anastomotic leakage following minimally invasive esophagectomy. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2014, 19: 263-268.   3. Shen Y, Feng M, Khan MA, Wang H, Tan L, Wang Q. A simple method minimizes chylothorax following minimally invasive esophagectomy. J Am Coll Surg. 2014, 218: 108-112.   4. Shen Y, Zhong M, Wu W, Wang H, Tan L, Wang Q. The impact of tidal volume on pulmonary complications following minimally invasive esophagectomy: A randomized and controlled study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013,146: 1267-1274.   5. Shen Y, Zhong M, Jiang W, Fan H, Wang H, Wang Q. Video-assisted radiofrequency ablation for pleural disseminated non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Surg. 2013, 13; 13(1):19.   6. Shen Y, Zhang Y, Tan L, Feng M, Wang H, Khan MA, Liang M, Wang Q. Extensive mediastinal lymphadenectomy during minimally invasive esophagectomy: Optimal results from a single center. J Gastrointest Surg. 2012, 16: 715-721.   7. Shen Y, Zhong M, Tan L. Fondaparinux versus low molecular weight heparin following esophagectomy: results from a randomized and controlled trial. Chest. 2014, 145 (3Suppl):535D. doi: 10.1378/chest.1921851.   8. Feng M, Shen Y, Wang H, Tan L, Zhang Y, Khan MA, Wang Q. Thoracolaparoscopic esophagectomy: Is the prone position a safe alternative to the decubitus position? J Am Coll Surg. 2012, 214:838-844.   9. Yuan Y, Shen Y, Xue L, Fan H. miR-140 Suppresses Tumor Growth and Metastasis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Targeting Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Receptor. PLoS One. 2013,8: e73604.   10. Liang M, Wang H, Tan L, Feng M, Shen Y, Wang Q. Successful treatment of thyrotoxic crisis after esophagectomy in an elderly woman with hyperthyroidism. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012, 93: e141-142.   11. Jiang W, Pang XG, Wang Q, Shen YX, Chen XK, Xi JJ. Prognostic role of Twist, Slug, and Foxc2 expression in stage I non-small-cell lung cancer after curative resection. Clin Lung Cancer. 2012,13: 280-287.   12. Li J, Chen X, Shen Y, Hou Y, Zhang S, Wang H, Feng M, Tan L, Wang Q, Zeng Z. A rare collision tumor of squamous carcinoma and small cell carcinoma in esophagus involved with separate lymph nodes: a case report. J Thorac Dis. 2013,5: E203-206.   课题   1. 国家青年自然科学基金课题“经颈单孔微创食管切除术的外科解剖学研究”项目批准号 主持人81400681 2015年1月-2017年12月   2. 国家自然科学基金课题 “基于灰色神经理论的人工气胸新技术在微创食管手术中应用的安全性分析”项目批准号 81370587 主要研究人员(第四参与人)2014年7月-2017年12月   3. 上海市科委课题 “新型经颈单孔内窥镜食管手术的实验研究” 12ZR1405400课题主要研究人员(第四参与人)2012年7月-2015年6月   4. 上海市卫生局课题 “shRNA介导的Caspase 3基因沉默对移植肺缺血再灌注损伤保护作用的研究” 课题 20114252主要研究人员(第三参与人)2012年1月-2014年9月   会议   1. Shen Y, Zhong M, Tan L. Fondaparinux versus Low Molecular Weight Heparin following Esophagectomy: Results from a Randomized and Controlled Trial. CHEST World Congress 2014 American College of Chest Physicians, ACCP March 21-24. Madrid, Spain, 2014.   2. Shen Y, Wang H, Feng M, Tan L, Li J,Wang Q. Thoracoscopic esophagectomy in prone versus decubitus position: Ergonomic evaluation from a randomized and controlled study. 50th Annual meeting, Society of Thoracic Surgeons, STS, P242 January 25-29.Orlando, FL, US, 2014.   3. Shen Y, Zhong M, Wu W, Tan L,Feng M, Wang H, Wang Q. The effect of tidal volume on pulmonary complications following minimally invasive esophagcetomy: A randomized and controlled trial. 93rd Annual meeting, American Association for Thoracic Surgery, AATS,P154 May 4-8, 2013. Minneapolis, MN, US, 2013.   4. Shen Y, Wang H, Feng M, Tan L, Wang Q,Li J. The effect of narrow gastric conduit on anastomotic leakage following minimally invasive esophagectomy. 21st European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, ESTS, F-088. P123 May 26-29, 2013. Birmingham, UK.   5. Shen Y, Feng M, Wang H, Tan L, Wang Q,Li J. Extensive mediastinal lymphadenectomy during minimally invasive esophagectomy: Oncological outcomes from single center. 21st European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, ESTS, F-058. P85 May 26-29, 2013. Birmingham, UK.   6. Shen Y, Tan L. A simple and safe method minimizes chylothorax following minimally invasive esophagectomy. World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus,ISDE, P116A. October 15-17, 2012. Venice, Italy, 2012. 详细介绍

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