首页 > 中山大学附属第一医院 > 转化医学研究中心 杨蜀岚




执业经历:   医疗/科研特长(限400字内):   应用斑马鱼为模式生物研究与人类重要疾病相关基因的功能。团队目前已构建并获得多个重要人类疾病相关基因的斑马鱼敲除品系以及诱导型过表达转基因斑马鱼品系,并对其生物学功能进行了初步研究,结合临床样本和其他生物模型,进一步探索这些基因的异常表达导致疾病发生的分子机制。   研究方向:人类疾病相关易感基因的致病机制研究   主要教育和工作经历:   2000年12月获农学博士学位。2001年到2011年期间,先后在新加坡分子和细胞生物学研究院(IMCB)从事博士后研究和担任研究员、资深研究员工作,主要以模式生物拟南芥、斑马鱼为研究对象,研究机体器官发育的分子机理。2011年12月,作为中山大学“百人计划”引进人才到本院工作,建立了斑马鱼疾病模式动物公共平台,开展人类疾病相关易感基因的致病机制研究,并与其他相关科室合作,共同促进基础与临床相结合的转化医学研究。   论著:   1.Tong Fang#, Zhang Mingming, Guo Xiaoling, Hongshun Shi, Guan Wen , Wang Haihe* and Yang Shulan*. Expression patterns of SH3BGR family members in zebrafish development. Development Genes and Evolution 2016, 226(4): 287-295.   2.Zhang Wenliang#, Shi Hongshun#, Zhang Mingming, Liu Bin, Mao Shuai, Li Li, Tong Fang, Liu Guoliang, Yang Shulan*., and Wang Haihe*. Poly C binding protein 1 represses autophagy through downregulation of LC3B to promote tumor cell apoptosis in starvation. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2016, 73: 127-136.   3.Li Li#, Shi Hongshun#, Zhang Mingming, Guo Xiaoling, Tong Fang, Zhang Wenliang, Zhou Junyi, Wang Haihe*, Yang Shulan*. Upregulation of metastasis-associated PRL-3 initiates chordoma in zebrafish. International Journal of Oncology, 2016, 48(4):1541-1552.   4.Qu Shuang#, Liu Bin, Guo Xiaoling, Shi Hongshun, Zhou Meifeng, Li Li, Yang Shulan, Tong Xiuzhen*, and Wang,Haihe*.Independent oncogenic and therapeutic significance of phosphatase PRL-3 in FLT3-ITD–negative acute myeloid leukemia Cancer. 2014, 120(14): 2130-2141.   5.Yang Shu-Lan#,, Aw Sharon Siqi, Chang Qingchang, Korzh Svetlana, Korzh Vladimir*,and Peng Jinrong*. Depletion of Bhmt elevates sonic hedgehog transcript levels to promote pancreatic islet development in zebrafish, Endocrinology, 2011: 152(12):4706-4717.   6.Korzh Svetlana, Winata Cecilia L, Zheng Weiling, Yang Shulan, Ao Yin, Philip Ingham, Zhiyuan Gong*. The interaction of epithelial Ihha and mesenchymal Fgf10 in zebrafish esophageal and swimbladder development. Developmental Biology, 2011,359:262–276.   7.Ma Hongli#, Zhang Shubiao, Ji Lan, Zhu Hongbo, Yang Shulan, Fang Xuanjun and Yang Rencui. Mapping and in silico isolation of the EUI1 gene controlling upper internode elongation in rice. Plant Molecular Biology, 2006, 60: 87-94   8.Yang Shu-Lan#, Puah Ching San, Xie Li-Fen, Jiang Lixi, Zhang Xue-Qin, Chen Li-Qun, Ye De. Over-expression of TPD1 alters the cell fates in the arabidopsis carpel and tapetum via genetic Interaction with EMS1/EXS. Plant Physiology, 2005, 139: 186-191.   9.Jiang Li-Xi#, Yang Shu-Lan#, Xie Li-Fen, Puah Ching San, Yang Wei-Cai, Sundaresan Venkatesan and Ye De. VANGUARD1 encodes a pectin methylesterase that enhances pollen tube growth in the Arabidopsis style and transmitting tract. Plant Cell, 2005, 17: 584-596. (Faculty of 1000 推荐).   10.Yang Shu-Lan#, Xie Li-Fen, Mao Hui-Zhu, Puah CS, Yang Wei Cai, Jiang Lix, Ye De. 2003. Tapetum determinant 1 gene is required for cell specialization in the Arabidopsis anther. Plant Cell, 15: 2792-2804. (Faculty of 1000推荐). 详细介绍

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